How to make YOUR OWN What-If book?

“How to make YOUR OWN What-If book?”,
is a mini workbook I'm working on right now.

WHAT is a What-if book?
It is YOUR book with YOUR solutions to the everyday difficult situations YOU’re getting into that lead to self-harm, eating-disorders, panic attacks, a consuming disorder, starting meaningless sexual relations or other negative things. I describe making a What-If book by using self-harm as an example because it used to be my reaction to my situations. However it may work the same way for other unhealthy behaviour. Try to replace self-harm with your own behaviour.

It’s a way to stop your actions TODAY and it gives you the space to work on your true / fundamental maybe undiscovered problems (which led to this behaviour) TOMORROW. I advice you to seek professional help for that.

BUT what does it look like?

It’s a book with an index page on which you sum up all your different what-if (I get in this specific difficult/triggering situation and I don’t know what to do). You give the what-if situations numbers that refer to the page number that includes the healthy solution(s) to that specific what-If situation.

WHY should you make a What-If book?

Because you WANT to stop reacting to difficult situations or triggers in a way that lead to this unhealthy behaviour which can become or already is an addiction

WHO is the owner, creator and keeper of the book?
You, you and only you. Because you’re creating it for yourself.

WHEN do you have it with you?
Always. It could be a real book that you keep with you all time (in your bag) or a digital version (not visible to the outside world) in your mobile phone for example.

As soon as it is finished I’ll post it on this blog. In the meantime check my YouTube-channel for help, dealing with Borderline Personality Disorder:

Take care,

Me and my Black Table